Zombies were all over Harrisonburg on Saturday, starting downtown at Kline's Dairy Bar and slowly making their way through Court Square. Within minutes of arriving at the zombie walk, I was already splattered with fake blood, and by the end had blisters on my feet from running to stay ahead of the lurching masses. It was awesome!
Droplets of fake blood drip from the lips of Mary Tadlock, 18, as she and several dozen zombies of all ages prepared to wander through downtown Harrisonburg during the first Zombie Walk the weekend before Halloween.
Andrew Morris of Bridgewater wipes fake blood onto his arm to make it look like he barely escaped being attacked by other zombies.
Zombies ignore the traffic signals at Elizabeth Street in downtown Harrisonburg.
Lindsey Blosser, 17, groans like a zombie after having fake blood sprayed on her face.
Lukas Redman, 6, has a hard time deciding if he is scared or amused by the zombies. At first he ran away from the undead masses, but seemed to become more amused as they paraded past.
Several dozen zombies drag their feet along the sidewalk during the Zombie Walk.